Commerce Commerce 1.x Snippets get products

The commerce.get_products snippet is used to iterate over a list of products, based on the provided product IDs. Use get_product for getting information about a single product.

Added in v0.4. Can be paginated with pdoPage/getPage as of v1.1.


    &products=`123, 321, 213, 231`

It’s possible to call this snippet both cached and uncached. The benefit of calling it uncached is that automatic sale prices are reflected in the output; but that does come at a small performance penalty.


  • &products: the IDs of the products to iterate over. This can be comma separated (123,321) or separated by two pipes (123||321) like template variables store listbox values.
  • &tpl: can be set to the name of a chunk. The product information (without prefix) will be parsed through that chunk. If not provided, the product information will be dumped to screen in a <pre>. Placeholders include all product fields, as well as [[+total_products]] and [[+idx]] (0-based).
  • &where: a JSON array containing additional conditions to filter products on. See examples below. (added in v1.1)
  • &logSql: set to 1 if you want the query that was used for fetching products to get logged to your MODX error log; useful for debugging custom &where conditions. (added in v1.1)
  • &sortby: name of a field to sort the products by. For example name or price. By default, this will use the same order as the products were provided in. (Note: due to a bug in 2.5.2, the default may not return products unless you specify a different &sortby. Update to 2.5.4.)
  • &limit: the amount of orders to show. Defaults to 0 (ignoring the limit) for backwards compatibility, set to e.g. 10 when you want to use getPage/pdoPage. (added in v1.1)
  • &offset: the amount of orders to skip at the start, used with pagination. Defaults to 0. (added in v1.1)
  • &separator: string to use to join the product records together, defaults to a newline character. (added in v0.11)

Showing product variations

If you select one or more products on a resource, you can use this snippet in your add to cart form. For example if you want to show radio boxes if there were multiple, but a hidden input if there was just one result, use something like this:


product_option chunk:

  <input type="hidden" name="product" value="[[+id]]">
    <input type="radio" name="product" value="[[+id]]" [[+idx:eq=`0`:then=`checked="checked"`:else=``]]>
    [[+name]] ([[+price_formatted]])

Additional conditions

The &where property lets you add additional conditions for the products to be returned. This property needs to contain valid JSON.

For example, only showing products that are in stock:


Use &logSql to see the final query in your MODX error log.

Listing all products (Commerce 1.3+)

If you want to show all products in your shop, you can use &products=`all` and if needed filter further on product fields with the &where property described above.

For example to list products almost out of stock:

        "stock:<": 5,
        "AND:stock:>": 0,
        "AND:stock_infinite:=": 0

If you expect to list more than 50 products this way, it’s probably wise to wrap it with getPage or pdoPage to add pagination.