Commerce Commerce 1.x Developer Custom Shipping Methods

If your shipping costs are dynamically generated based on product weight, size or quantity, and the standard shipping methods in Commerce are not flexible enough, or if you’d like to integrate with the API of a shipping partner to calculate the right total, you can develop a custom shipping method.


A custom shipping method is a derivative of the comShippingMethod object. This derivative would override the getPriceForShipment(comOrderShipment $shipment) method to use its own price logic instead.

You can use a Module to load the package containing your xPDO model. Just call $this->adapter->loadPackage($name, $path) in the initialize method to make xPDO aware of your derivative.


In the annotated example below, we calculate a shipping price where each item in the cart is a flat €5, plus €1 for each quantity of that item.

This is an unlikely scenario, but just there to give you an idea of how it would work.

First, you’ll need to define your xPDO schema. It could be located in core/components/my_shipping_method/schema/ and look somewhat like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<model package="my_shipping_method" baseClass="comSimpleObject" platform="mysql" defaultEngine="MyISAM" version="1.1">
    <object class="mySampleShippingMethod" extends="comShippingMethod" inherit="single" />

Next, build the model files from the schema using a standard schema build script.

Once you’ve done that, you can find your custom shipping method in core/components/my_shipping_method/model/my_shipping_method/mysampleshippingmethod.class.php.

Edit that file and add the getPriceForShipment method override.

class mySampleShippingMethod extends comShippingMethod
    public function getPriceForShipment(comOrderShipment $shipment)
        // The parent class takes care of calculating the price based
        // on a configured absolute or percentage fee on the shipping method. 
        $price = parent::getPriceForShipment($shipment);

        // Grab the products for this order to determine product weight/dimensions/count
        // For this example we charge €5 per unique item + €1 per quantity of that item
        $items = $shipment->getItems();
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $price += 500;
            $price += $item->get('quantity') * 100;
        // We return the unformatted price in cents
        return $price;

Shipments are collections of items in an order that have the same delivery type and shipping method. With $shipment->getItems() you can access the items assigned to the current shipment.

You can get an $order object with $shipment->getOrder(). That gives you easy access to all order items ($order->getItems()), the shipping address ($order->getShippingAddress()) and more.

To retrieve products, loop over $order->getItems() or $shipment->getItems() and call $item->getProduct(). That will give you the comProduct instance, which you can use to grab things like the weight ($product->getWeight()).

The total weight for all products in the shipment (as a Mass instance) is available with $shipment->getWeight().

If your shipping method needs to define additional options for the merchant to configure, you can do that by providing a getModelFields method. For example like this:

class mySampleShippingMethod extends comShippingMethod
    // ... other methods ...
    public function getModelFields()
        $fields = [];
        $fields[] = new \modmore\Commerce\Admin\Widgets\Form\TextField($this->commerce, [
            'label' => 'API Key',
            'name' => 'properties[api_key]',
            'value' => $this->getProperty('api_key'),
        return $fields;

Any field instance can be used, and you can also use the built-in validation. See Forms & Fields for more information on defining fields.

To add fields to products, or to offer more functionality with regards to the processing, you need a custom order shipment type.

Commerce ships with the standard comShippingMethod (“Standard Shipping Method”), a country-based comShippingMethodByCountry (“Country-Specific Shipping Method”), and the comShippingMethodByWeight (“Weight-Specific Shipping Method”) shipping method class. These can be useful for inspiration.