Commerce Commerce 1.x Developer Modules Examples Registering a Payment Gateway

A module like the following can be used to load a custom payment gateway.


namespace modmore\Commerce\Modules\Gateways;

use modmore\Commerce\Events\Gateways;
use modmore\Commerce\Modules\BaseModule;
use modmore\Commerce\Dispatcher\EventDispatcher;
// For modules that need to support 1.2 or before, replace with:
// use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
// Please note that is DEPRECATED and will be REMOVED in 2.0

class GatewayName extends BaseModule
    public function getName()
        return 'GatewayName';

    public function getAuthor()
        return 'My Name';

    public function getDescription()
        return 'Description of GatewayName';

    public function initialize(EventDispatcher $dispatcher)
        // Listen to the event
        $dispatcher->addListener(\Commerce::EVENT_GET_PAYMENT_GATEWAYS, array($this, 'registerGateways'));

        // Also include your autoloader, or do a `require_once` to make your gateway class available in memory
        // While you could also do it at the top of the module file, doing it in the initialize method
        // allows finer control over when it is included.

    public function registerGateways(Gateways $event)
        // Add the GatewayName gateway, and log an error if the class couldn't be found.
        // The first parameter is the GATEWAY class name, the second is the name of the gateway
        // as it should be shown to the user.
        if (!$event->addGateway(modmore\Commerce\Gateways\GatewayName::class, 'GatewayName')) {
            $this->adapter->log(1, 'Could not add GatewayName - the class was probably not found');