Commerce Commerce 1.x Developer Payment Gateways TransactionInterface

The \modmore\Commerce\Gateways\Interfaces\TransactionInterface defines the status of a payment at a specific point in time. The transaction itself does not perform any actions, but your view, submit, returned or webhook gateway methods may perform actions before turning the status into a TransactionInterface instance.

It’s not to be confused with a comTransaction, which is the xPDO model name for a transaction. Where your TransactionInterface implementation is only in-memory, a current snapshot, the comTransaction is the persisted data.

The interface

Think of a TransactionInterface instance as a value object that defines a current payment attempt. Most methods are geared towards indicating status.


namespace modmore\Commerce\Gateways\Interfaces;

interface TransactionInterface
     * Indicate if the transaction was paid
     * @return bool
    public function isPaid();

     * Indicate if a transaction is waiting for confirmation/cancellation/failure. This is the case when a payment
     * is handled off-site, offline, or asynchronously in another why.
     * When a transaction is marked as awaiting confirmation, a special page is shown when the customer returns
     * to the checkout.
     * If the payment is a redirect (@see WebhookTransactionInterface), the payment pending page will offer the
     * customer to return to the redirectUrl.
     * @return bool
    public function isAwaitingConfirmation();

     * Indicate if the payment has failed.
     * @return bool
     * @see TransactionInterface::getExtraInformation()
    public function isFailed();

     * Indicate if the payment was cancelled by the user (or possibly merchant); which is a separate scenario
     * from a payment that failed.
     * @return bool
    public function isCancelled();

     * If an error happened, return the error message.
     * @return string
    public function getErrorMessage();

     * Return the (payment providers') reference for this order. Treated as a string.
     * @return string
    public function getPaymentReference();

     * Return a key => value array of transaction information that should be made available to merchant users
     * in the dashboard.
     * @return array
    public function getExtraInformation();

     * Return an array of all (raw) transaction data, for debugging purposes.
     * @return array
    public function getData();

Note that there is no constructor defined; take advantage of that to define a __construct method that takes in a client object or API response and have the remaining methods read from that. When done correctly, you can typically use a single gateway-specific transaction object per gateway implementation. (That’s the same way the \modmore\Commerce\Gateways\Omnipay2\Transaction object can be used for most Omnipay-based integrations.)

ManualTransaction Example

Arguably the simplest possible example is a transaction that is always paid. Not very useful for production, but here you go. In this case the transaction reference is generated elsewhere (in the GatewayInterface implementation), and passed into the ManualTransaction to be returned in the getPaymentReference() method.


namespace modmore\Commerce\Gateways\Manual;

use modmore\Commerce\Gateways\Interfaces\TransactionInterface;

class ManualTransaction implements TransactionInterface
    private $reference;

    public function __construct($reference)
        $this->reference = $reference;

    public function isPaid()
        return true;

    public function isAwaitingConfirmation()
        return false;

    public function isRedirect()
        return false;

    public function isFailed()
        return false;

    public function isCancelled()
        return false;

    public function getErrorMessage()
        return '';

    public function getPaymentReference()
        return $this->reference;

    public function getExtraInformation()
        return [];

    public function getData()
        return [];