Commerce Commerce 1.x Currencies

Commerce has multi-currency support built-in. In the configuration (Commerce > Configuration > Currencies) you can choose which currencies to enable, and the product pricing will then let you enter product prices accordingly for each currency.

To configure what currency is used in the shop, you’ll configure the commerce.currency context setting with the three character alpha code.


Currency-specific pricing is not currently available for shipping or payment method fees; only for products.

Setting the Currency

To set which currency is used, set the commerce.currency setting to the three character alpha code for a currency, for example EUR, USD or RUB. Commerce will match this code with the currencies managed in Configuration > Currencies.

The system default is configured through the system settings, but you can create context settings with the commerce.currency key to set specific currencies for different contexts. Commerce automatically tracks the source context and currency on each order.

Managing Currencies

In the merchant dashboard under Configuration > Currencies you can manage the formatting for each defined currency. During the first installation a few currencies are created for you, but you can add more or edit them.

The following fields are available for currencies.

  • Alpha Code: the 3 character ISO4217 alpha code for the currency. Used for telling the payment method what currency to use, so really important to set correctly.
  • Numeric Code: a numerical code, typically 3 numbers, that represents the currency per the ISO4217 standard. This can be used by certain payment gateways, though most rely on the alpha code. See the list mentioned below to find the right number.
  • Number of subunits: how many decimal places the currency uses. Most currencies have 2, but some currencies have none or up to 8 (bitcoin). This affects calculations and formatting.
  • Prefix: the prefix is prefixed to the formatted amount. This is usually the currency symbol (€, $ etc), but can also be the currency alpha code, or nothing.
  • Suffix: the suffix is appended to the end of the formatted amount. This can be empty or the alpha code.
  • Decimal Point: The character to use to indicate decimals, usually a dot or comma.
  • Thousands Separator: The character between thousands, usually a dot, comma, or space.

If you’re unsure about what certain fields should be set to, this page has a rather comprehensive list of currencies and how they are expected to be configured.

When the Enable currency for product pricing checkbox is ticked, you will be able of entering prices for the currency when managing a product.