Commerce Commerce 1.x Modules & Extensions DigitalProduct get_file snippet

The commerce_digitalproduct.get_file snippet is used as a download endpoint. You’ll typically link to a resource that has this snippet in its content (or template) with a secret URL parameter.

Supported properties:

  • &checkUser: when enabled the snippet will check if the currently logged-in user is the same that purchased the digital product. (disabled by default)
  • &checkCount: when enabled the maximum download count will be enforced and users may not be able of downloading the file if they’ve already downloaded it more often. (enabled by default)
  • &checkExpiry: when enabled the expiration time on the digital product will be enforced and users may not be able of downloading the file after that time. (enabled by default)
  • &errorTpl: the name of a chunk that will be used when an error was encountered, i.e. user no longer can download the product. Defaults to digitalproduct.file_error; duplicate that chunk before editing as it will be overriden on upgrade otherwise.