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ConsentFriend has five different default themes that can be activated in the system settings.

The default themes look like this:

default (or empty)

Default Theme


Black Theme


Dark Theme


Light Theme


White Theme

Modify the active theme

The theme (including the default) can be modified by css variables. The klaro variables are available with the consentfriend- prefix. You have to modify i.e. the variable --consentfriend-dark1 for the background color of the modal in your css. The following lines set a white background for the modal:

:root {
  --consentfriend-dark1: #fff;

Variables of the ConsentFriend themes

The ConsentFriend themes use the following variables (and some additional modifications for the modal shadow, that can't be modified by variables):


:root {
  --consentfriend-border-radius: 1px;
  --consentfriend-dark1: #060606;
  --consentfriend-dark2: #515151;
  --consentfriend-dark3: #858585;
  --consentfriend-white1: #999;
  --consentfriend-white2: #ccc;
  --consentfriend-white3: #fff;
  --consentfriend-blue1: #2d9fd6;
  --consentfriend-green1: #77b300;
  --consentfriend-red1: #c00;


:root {
  --consentfriend-border-radius: 4px;
  --consentfriend-dark1: #272b30;
  --consentfriend-dark2: #606a76;
  --consentfriend-dark3: #8d96a2;
  --consentfriend-white1: #999;
  --consentfriend-white2: #ccc;
  --consentfriend-white3: #fff;
  --consentfriend-blue1: #5bc0de;
  --consentfriend-green1: #62c462;
  --consentfriend-red1: #ee5f5b;


:root {
  --consentfriend-border-radius: 0;
  --consentfriend-light1: #555;
  --consentfriend-dark1: #e4e4e4;
  --consentfriend-dark2: #555;
  --consentfriend-dark3: #777;
  --consentfriend-white1: #999;
  --consentfriend-white2: #ccc;
  --consentfriend-white3: #fff;
  --consentfriend-blue1: #446e9b;
  --consentfriend-green1: #3cb521;
  --consentfriend-red1: #cd0200;


:root {
  --consentfriend-border-radius: 3px;
  --consentfriend-light1: #333;
  --consentfriend-dark1: #fff;
  --consentfriend-dark2: #555;
  --consentfriend-dark3: #555;
  --consentfriend-white1: #999;
  --consentfriend-white2: #ccc;
  --consentfriend-white3: #fff;
  --consentfriend-blue1: #369;
  --consentfriend-green1: #22b24c;
  --consentfriend-red1: #eb6864;

Create your own theme

If you want to create your own theme, you can import the file assets/components/consentfriend/scss/consentfriend.scss in your scss workflow. To disable the default styling of the modal afterwards, please set the system setting consentfriend.js_url to /assets/components/consentfriend/js/web/consentfriend-no-css.js.

The scss variables have changed with version 1.3.0 in the open source part of Klaro. Sadly the changes are not backwards compatible. If you created an own theme, you have to use the new color variables. Please check the display of the consent popup after the update and after compiling the scss file for your site.